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In 2019 the Department for Education published statutory guidance about what should be covered in schools in terms of Relationships and sex education (RSE) and Health education (HE).

This guidance listed a number of target statements for the end of primary school which fell under the following headings for RSE: Families and people who care for me; Caring friendships; Respectful relationships; Online relationships; Being safe. For health education the target statements fall under the following headings: Mental wellbeing; Internet safety and harms; Physical health and fitness; Healthy eating; Drugs, alcohol and tobacco; Health and prevention; Basic first aid; Changing adolescent body. All these themes are underpinned by Personal Social Emotional (PSE) development in Early Years. The scheme that we teach works towards these aims.


Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Personal, Social and Health Education  (PSHE) including Behaviour and Citizenship is embedded in a curriculum which has been designed to be engaging for all years through a topic based approach which develops pupil’s skills and knowledge in order to succeed throughout their lives. This is contributing positively to raising pupils’ achievement which is demonstrated through the progress that our pupils make from their very low starting points. The broad scope of the curriculum has a positive impact on pupils’ outcomes and their personal, development, behaviour and welfare and their Physical and Mental wellbeing.

Our PSHE curriculum is also enriched through an extensive range of extra-curricular activities, educational visits and visitors into school. These activities improve the artistic, creative and sporting abilities of pupils. In addition to the integrated PSHE curriculum, we may also run dedicated PSHE focus days to address issues such as School Rules, Behaviour and Rewards, PREVENT, disability awareness, Growth Mindset, Resilience. These are very effective when implementing a change in school or addressing a specific issue.

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Park Street South, Blakenhall

Wolverhampton, WV2 3AE

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Tel: 01902 556434

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