Dear Parents/carers,
I’m sure that like me you will have many questions following the Prime Minister's announcement on Sunday 10th May 2020.
At the moment for us in school there is no change to the guidance in that we will continue to provide childcare for the children of workers critical to the Covid-19 response and school should still be used as a last resort. This is what we have been doing since the end of March but the message still remains that it is safer to stay at home.
As yet, we have not received any information about the proposed plan to phase some year groups back into school. Hopefully we will receive some clarification soon from the DfE and Local Authority:
We need guidance on how we can socially distance in a school setting and keep all of our pupils, staff and families safe. We will keep you informed but for now please do not worry. We will continue to provide home learning tasks and activities and communicate with you as we have done since the start.
We all need to support each other in these difficult and uncertain times.
Mrs Grennan