
Homework can be a fantastic way to consolidate understanding, develop skills taught in lesson and gives children opportunities to work independently.
At St Luke’s we have produced a weekly homework plan for parents/carers to follow at home, if they wish to do so. The tasks suggested are as follows:
Children to read a book every day
Children to practise spellings - these have been provided for each child by their classteacher and at the end of the week, we would like our children to share with their families what they have been learning about in English, i.e. the book or text, what have they been writing about.
Children to complete a maths task which can either be: multiplication facts, revisiting their arithmetic test (either working through incorrect answers/methods and misconceptions or attempting similar questions) or completing My Maths tasks which have been set by your child's maths teacher.
Here is an example Homework plan for Year 5 & 6.

The links below are all of the different websites, programs and resources our school has subscribed to which your children have access to.
If a child does not have access to a laptop and / or the internet, the school will do all it can to support children for example, we do have some devices that can be loaned by families. Please speak to Mrs Grennan for more information about this.